Why are Investors Moving their Demat Accounts from Zerodha to Other Stock Brokers?
Why are Investors Moving their Demat Accounts from Zerodha to Other Stock Brokers?
I went ahead and researched on the data of clients added every year to Zerodha, the Statista reports is as below. Statista is worlds best data analysis tool and stats providing platform.
According to the report people are moving from other platforms to Zerodha, Zerodha is now India’s largest client base and stats at 1st position in terms of clients, transactions, market capital trade share and also the largest customer support firm.
Zerodha Platform Kite is the one people like and trust to use, its been now with 7 million active customers daily who trade and are satisfied. Zerodha do not advertise and is grown only with word of mouth. So, choosing Zerodha is best and you must also opt to it, its been 5 years using Zerodha and i am in Green always.
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