Which is Better, Zerodha or Upstox?
Upstox and Zerodha are the same almost when you compare their charges. but there are many other factors to analyze & compare. I have highlighted few points and here is my research outcome.
Upstox keeps charges a bit higher and increases by a very small value, Dp charges, Commodities, Futures, and Equity charges are also a bit higher when compared to Zerodha. These charges appear smaller but cost a lot when you see them with a combined statement value.
As of 28th Feb 2021, Zerodha active clients registered on the National Stock Exchange is around 18.85% of the total market share and has over 33.9 lakh, active customers. The total of over 1.79 Crore active clients of all stockbrokers on the NSE in entire India. in the Upstox over 26 lakh clients are present and nearly 14 lakh active clients doing regular trade. So, what happened to remain 12lakh clients? They might have stopped trading in Upstox or moved away from Upstox to some other firm.
So, Zerodha holds a large number of active traders and the contribution to NSE is very huge it terms of monetary transactions. The number of active clients directly refers to the amount of trust factor on the firm.
Zerodha trading platforms are the best, Kite 3.0 is remarkable the best app ever traded in the world and you cannot compare the app with any other firm applications.
Zerodha Varsity is another best learning platform to which similar app is not there in Upstox, likewise, there are many platforms built with excellence like small-cases, pi, Q&A, Bulletin, etc are the gift of Zerodha and there is no comparison available yet in any brokerage firms.
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With the experience of over a decade I feel Zerodha is best of the best among all firms, if you would like to read more on Zerodha then here is the detailed information:https://opendemataccount.com/our-oda-blog/
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